Work Happiness

Between the large workloads and close deadlines, it can be difficult to find happiness at work in today’s stressful and competitive society – difficult, but not impossible. You see, happiness in the workplace is twofold. 1) Being happy in what you do starts by being happy with who you are. According to a study by Bright Horizons, 89% of employees with high levels of well-being reported high job satisfaction. 2) Being happy in the workplace is all about perspective. While things can be tough, it is up to you to create work happiness on a daily basis.

How to Increase Your Happiness in the Workplace

  1. Make Things Happen: If you are unhappy about your current position and feel you deserve more, don’t wait around for something to happen. Take matters into your own hands. Never shy away from discussing promotion opportunities with your manager. If a position isn’t available, you can also inquire about new responsibilities and ways you can expand in your current role.
  2. Learn to Manage Stress: Stress is unavoidable. Sorry. But there are ways in which you can better handle stressful situations at work. When something bad happens, don’t dwell on the situation. Instead, “Do what you have to do, but don’t surrender your calmness and sense of peace,” advises Srikumar Rao, the author of Happiness at Work.
  3. Jealousy: Try not to pay attention to what your co-workers are accomplishing. Not everyone works in the same way or at the same pace. Not to sound clichéd, but be the best you that you can be. Often, individuals within an office tend to feel down about themselves when they compare their progress to that of their co-workers. Instead, focus on and appreciate what you bring to the table.
  4. Get Up and Get Moving: Sitting in the same place for eight hours a day (or more!) can have a negative effect on both your health and happiness. So get up, move around, and get your blood pumping. Even this small amount of exercise will help stimulate your mind and give your eyes a much-needed rest.
  5. Find Passion in Your Job: It may not be your dream job, but that doesn’t mean you cannot be passionate about your work. So instead of fantasizing about your dream job (they often don’t really exist), change how you think about your current situation, advises Rao. One way to do this is to focus on the good you accomplish instead of your current job title. It’s all about finding perspective.

So how can you change your work happiness? No matter how busy your workday might get, it is important to keep in mind that only you have control over your work happiness. However, if you still find yourself disgruntled, maybe it is time to find a new job at a new company or even in a new field. While the grass is not always greener on the other side, sometimes it is.

About Mary Kraft – Staffing and HR Solutions

Mary Kraft Staffing was founded in 1989 and has since partnered with industry-leading healthcare, financial, commercial and service industry clients to increase productivity and drive cost savings through an array of flexible, cost-effective staffing and outsourced HR options.

To get started with Mary Kraft & Associates, give us a call today at 410-296-0655. You can also sign up for our free newsletter here! You can also click here to learn more information as well.

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